News & Events
Studying Oak Ridge Land Use (view PDF slides)
The Planning Commission has had three Land Use work sessions, with another scheduled this week, on Thursday 4/28 at 5:30 pm in the Municipal Court Room. Anyone can attend these sessions, and agendas are posted at, under Boards and Commissions. This slideshow, which was presented today to a local networking group hosted by the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce, illustrates the progress of the planning process so far.
The work sessions kicked off with a look at community characteristics, including population & economic data, housing, and trends. Then the group focused on existing land use data, infrastructure systems, and public services. The Planning Commission has met with representatives from City departments and local organizations to discuss the implications of growth and identify key issues. As key issues are analyzed, goals are drafted, and various scenarios for growth begin to be considered in the next few months, a concerted effort to engage the community will also begin, which will help to shape a more authentic and equitable plan.