Reports &


A collection of plan documents and supporting information that contribute to the City’s planning efforts.


Oak Ridge, 2030, seeks to explore ways to accommodate a new generation of housing, build a vibrant, walkable urban district and offer retail, food, entertainment and cultural venues that attract the next generation of Oak Ridgers.

Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM) did the original plans for Oak Ridge during the Manhattan Project era. They have recently been studying our city center area through a contract with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in support of the Governor’s Chair of Excellence in the University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design. Through ORNL’s generosity, our Community Development Department has worked with SOM staff on exploring possibilities for the city center. This work is being used as major input to the on-going City Blueprint process, which began in 2017.

This report chronicles findings by SOM and provides exciting ideas on what ‘could be’ in the core of Oak Ridge. Although this work by SOM was done independently, and does not represent official City policy at this time, it is very consistent with the work going on via the Blueprint and will show up in recommendations and possible projects that will be adopted as policy within the Blueprint plan.

In a letter sent to Oak Ridge Mayor Warren Gooch in November 2018, Dr. Thomas Zacharia, Director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, stated that "the vibrant, livable, mixed-use concepts represented in this report will spur city growth and also enable us to better attract and retain a future workforce that would consider making Oak Ridge their home." Read the entire letter here.

The SOM report is still being reviewed by Oak Ridge City Council and City leadership, the Community Development Department and the Municipal Planning Commission. You can browse the full study below.

Capital Improvements Program (CIP)

2016 Oak Ridge Tree Plan

2011 Oak Ridge Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, by Knoxville Regional TPO

2010 Climate Action Plan

2009 Oak Ridge Waterfront Development Plan

2007 Heritage Tourism Plan

2000 Oak Ridge City Center Master Plan, by Lose and Associates

Comprehensive Plan for the City of Oak Ridge, including the 1988 Update

1998 Visioning Plan, by Lose and Associates

Master Plan for...Merrill for the Atomic Energy Commission

Oak Ridge Natural Assets Guidebook

2017 Housing Report presented by the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce to the Oak Ridge City Council

2016 Climate Action Plan Progress Report

2012 Climate Action Plan Progress Report

1993 Greenways Task Force Report

2013 Oak Ridge Greenways Map

2009 Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan – Phase I

2007 Heritage Tourism Plan

2000 City Center Master Plan

1948 General Development Plan for Oak Ridge

Local agencies and organizations provide essential resources and support to the City.  Some of these entities, or reports they have produced, are linked here:

Department of Energy (DOE) Economic Impact in Tennessee Report FY 2017 -