The Plan

A citywide vision and guide for future growth and development in Oak Ridge

Core Values

The community has identified four themes that characterize the most cherished aspects of living, visiting, and working in Oak Ridge.  In fact, the same themes have been evident since the City’s inception.  Growth and change, as it occurs, shall be guided to reinforce the community’s values so that they remain clear and strong.

tourism MPNHPark to compare to historic photo_216757-M

Economic Vitality & Sustainable Growth

Housing & Healthy Neighborhoods

Recreation & Natural Assetts

Land Use & Infrastructure

Transportation & Mobility

Livability & Community Vibrancy

Community Path Forward (Vision)

Growing Oak Ridge by attracting workers and others to live in the city is critical for our future. Not headlong sprawl, careless or haphazard growth, but well-planned growth aimed at more efficient use of our existing infrastructure. Oak Ridge will become a better city through planning for strategic growth and by knowing and preserving its values.